Wednesday 2 May 2012

Blue-tac figure

After the workshop with the matches, I was inspired to continue exploring the idea of the figure in space in a narrative context. Much like the story I created in the match stick set up, I decided to use stop motion animation to lend an inanimate object personality and energy. As I experimented with stop motion animation earlier in the project (I created a short film using matchsticks) I tried to be more ambitious with this attempt. As the blue tac was a lot easier to handle than the match sticks and much easier to manipulate, I found that I could create a longer animation which depicted a moving object with a lot more energy. I was pleased with this attempt and thought that the film successfully displayed a narrative, albeit a very simple and fairly one dimensional narrative (the blue tac man rises out of a ball of clay, does a somersault and then descends back into an amorphous ball). 

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